Marie-France Fayet
painter, France
Since childhood, surrounded by a family of musicians and painters... The soul of an artist, which was developed very early by piano playing and drawing. A self-taught artist, living in the Cote d'Azur in France and devoting her energy to watercolour, harmonious mixtures of water and colours, showing an acute sensibility.
Uses many media (watercolour, acrylic, pastel) but prefers watercolour for its transparency, lightness and spontaneity. Each watercolour has a risk - taking factor, giving real emotions and intense moments, the free fusion of colours allowing surprising results. Prefers representational painting, privileges studio work rather than in situ because of the attention to detail. Representational painting: from portraits of people from far away continent s evoking travel , to landscapes, picturesque flora, to dance and music. The need to create by mixing genres and technics in order to give free rein to inspiration. Many exhibitions from 2000 up to now, mostly in groups, and all over the south of France "Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur".